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Interview Class and Crucible Reflections

 Interview Class and Crucible Reflections

The mock interview conducted shed a lot of light on why exactly I had taken the course. It also lead us to adequately summarise and take count of our weaknesses, strengths and characteristics, effectively creating a road map of paths to embark upon and areas to improve upon. It also gave  me a clearer view of how my cultural background and environment led to my beliefs, interests, choices, both in and out of theatre class.

The discussion on Yael Farber’s interpretation of Arthur Miller’s Crucible further solidified the aforementioned ideas, and also emphasised the precision needed in conveying the directorial intention as well as highlighting how certain choices did so while also exploring racial issues that Yael Farber probably witnessed while growing up during the apartheid. the way casting was used was new to me: i was unaware that such simplistic choices could create that dramatic an effect, in reference to the character of Chichiba in Act 1. The idea that differing contexts could be used to paint the same play in different lights (i.e. Mcarthyism, Salem Witch Trials, Racism etc.) via artistic choices and a painfully precise Directorial Intention was astounding, because it lets plays appeal to a universal audience.
